High-level advocacy in support of Codex in Burkina Faso


Former Codex Chairperson Mrs. Awilo Ochieng Pernet calls upon Burkina Faso to strengthen its national Codex and food safety structures during the 59th Independence Anniversary Celebrations

Mrs. Awilo Ochieng Pernet, former Chairperson of the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission from 2014 to 2017 was invited to Burkina Faso to support high-level advocacy efforts in the country on food safety and Codex on the occasion of the 59th Independence Anniversary Celebrations, which took place on 11 December 2019. The objective of the advocacy was to raise awareness about the importance of Codex and food safety and particularly seek the commitment of the Competent Authorities and the National Nutrition Ambassador for Burkina Faso to strengthen the capacity of the Burkina Faso National Codex Committee and to ensure improved food safety in the country.

Mrs. Awilo Ochieng Pernet in discussion with the Minister for Agriculture and Hydro-Agriculture Infrastructures Mr Salifou Ouédraogo

Ensuring food safety is a shared responsibility.

In the presence of several Ministerial Authorities, the WHO Representative to Burkina Faso and numerous other invited guests, the former Codex Chairperson highlighted the importance of Codex standards and food safety. Referring to the results of the WHO Study on the Global Estimates of Foodborne Diseases (2015), Mrs. Ochieng Pernet stressed that ensuring food safety is a shared responsibility and that foodborne diseases can be prevented based on a multisectoral approach involving all relevant public and private stakeholders as well as consumers. She urged the authorities in Burkina Faso to support the National Codex Committee stating that it urgently needed their political, financial and technical support in order to enable the population and the country as a whole to better benefit from the positive gains of Codex Alimentarius, which would result in better health protection and substantial economic gains through successful trade at national, regional and international levels.

Mrs. Awilo Ochieng Pernet with the WHO Country Representative to Burkina Faso, Dr. Alimata J. Diarra Nama

The former Codex Chairperson also met with several high-level dignitaries including the Minister for Agriculture and Hydro-Agriculture Infrastructures, the WHO Country Representative and His Majesty Chief Larlé Naaba Tigré, Nutrition Ambassador in Burkina Faso. Following these discussions, the Minister for Agriculture and Hydro-Agriculture Infrastructures made a pledge, which materialized in the signing of a document of commitment to support the Burkina Faso National Codex Committee. Furthermore, His Majesty Chief Larlé Naaba Tigré also expressed his commitment to fully support the National Codex Committee.


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Burkina Faso promotes Codex on World Food Day


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Left to right: Mrs. Awilo Ochieng Pernet, Mr Salifou Ouédraogo, His Majesty Chief Larlé Naaba Tigré.
