Kazakh officials deliver food safety messages in World Food Safety Day video


The National Codex Committee of Kazakhstan has produced a World Food Safety Day 2023 video, in which high-level officials speak about the importance of food safety.

The Vice Minister of Health and Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Kazakhstan, Yesmagambetova Aizhan, talks about the diseases caused by unsafe food, as well as the responsibility of each player in the food chain to ensure food safety.

Deputy Chair of the Committee for Veterinary Control and Supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture, Baizhanov Kayirzhan, explains the measures the Ministry is taking to ensure food safety.

The Chair of the National Center for Expertise, Kiyassov Yerlan, emphasizes the key role of timely quality laboratory expertise to prevent unsafe food.

The video ends with the slogan "Food safety is everyone's business!"




